Our Philosophy

Kidz World believes that each child has a right to equitable learning opportunities and to be accepted, 

valued and respected as an individual.

This core belief guides our approach to teaching and our understanding of how children learn.

Children learn through play in an environment providing diverse interest areas that offer rich play opportunities.

Teachers planning draws on curriculum knowledge, creating an environment using a wide variety of quality resources that are skillfully used to enhance children’s learning and development through play

“Playful Learning is the magic that takes place when we meld a child’s sense of joy and wonder with thoughtfully planned learning experience” 

(Playful Learning: Develop Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder by Mariah Bruehl)

Children’s learning will be benefitted by strong connections between their whanau and teachers.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi    With your basket and my basket there will be plenty for all.

Because in today’s society, as in the past, it takes a community to bring up a child.

Kidz World believes the role of the teacher in Play Based Learning is:


Kidz World is for everyone who believes education should be non-judgemental, a caring and enjoyable experience and available to everyone, knowing no boundaries of race, religion, gender or ability. 

Learning is a shared experience and a never ending life long journey.

               He aha te mea nui o te ao?         What is the most important thing in the world? 

 He tangata, he tangata, he tangata           It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

Kidz World is for everyone who wants to join a community passionate about innovative, creative and relevant education for children, whether it is by enrolling a child or becoming a teacher.

Kidz World recognises the cultures of all children in our centres.

We will do our best to understand the culture of every child in our centres respecting the beliefs and ideas of their cultures

All children and families attending Kidz World will be treated respectfully and with integrity regardless of race, religion, cultural beliefs or family background.

The cultural partnership of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kidz World is committed to promoting the partnership between Maori and NZ Europeans to become 

one people as New Zealanders

Teachers will work together as one team showing respect to both cultures of Aotearoa New Zealand and embracing and respecting all cultures within our team.

Kidz World will promote healthy eating habits as specified by the Ministry of Health and promoted by the

Ministry of Education.

Kidz World is committed to promoting health in general and especially in the area of healthy eating. We believe that healthy eating habits developed as young children establishes a good grounding for eating choices made in later life. Our menu is developed on the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health and promoted by the Ministry of Education.


Next: Locations